Time away 1, a gift I give myself

The garden at Tieton Lofts 2/21/16
Tieton, February 21, 2016

Lofts garden

Every now and then, since at least 1985, I’ve given myself the gift of time away. I leave Seattle with a few books, lots of notes, a computer, and plans to rearrange my molecules by walking, reading, writing, thinking, maybe meeting new folks or visiting with old friends and maybe not seeing anyone, surrounded by new scenery and a different context. I’ve rented cabins and hotel rooms, stayed in friends’ second homes, shared rentals with a friend, traded work for a little house, and a few times, even stayed in actual, official artists’ residencies. I always set my expectations way too high for what I’ll get done, but I’ve never been disappointed.

This past week I’ve been in Tieton, Washington, home of Mighty Tieton, in the highlands west of Yakima.

  Mighty Tieton Warehouse

Here’s where I’ve been working.

Loft #13, where I worked

Facing the other direction, in the evening I see a wonderful large wood screen…

Loft #13, at night 3

and in the morning, I throw the doors open to the street, and the light pours in.

Loft #13, daytime 2


I’ve chosen to do this. I want to be here, writing/thinking/planning, but the work is difficult and slow, no one’s paying me to do it, and I have no guarantee the result will be any good. But I claim it as real work, work all mixed up with play but work nonetheless. I wish everyone’s work felt like this. Following Jonas Mekas‘s advice in my own way, it keeps me dancing and singing and doing what needs to be done.

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  1. Sorry you missed our first Creative Coffee at BOXX Gallery. You would have enjoyed the variety of backgrounds of the 24 participants and how the space came alive as we had hoped. We raised money for the food bank as everyone contributed.
    Maybe next time you can lead one for us.
    Enjoyed our dinners. Come again, Anne.

    1. We passed the gallery as Kerry drove me to the shuttle, and he commented on how many cars were parked on the corner. We could tell it was going to be a good one. And I just love the partnership you’ve built with the Food Bank that shares your building! It all continues to be inspiring. I’ll definitely be back!

  2. ‘rearranging your molecules” resonates with me. i love your photos from Tieton and so glad to be following your blog.

  3. Yes to what Maggie said! Great to see you carrying on and sending messages to us all from your 8th layer. I’m right behind you in the layers and thinking about work, play, pay and place. So I appreciate reading your thoughts from the Pacific Northwest down here in KY. Peace and love and remind me to tell you about the time I met Jonas 4 layers ago. xoxo

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